Sunday, April 26, 2020

‘Catch & Release: How it is not a Closing Strategy?

B2B sales is a lot like fishing. Often glorified as hunters, salespeople have their inside jokes and conversation to describe their situation of finding out a needle in the haystack. From “There is plenty of fish in the sea” to “Use the right bait” and “Catch and Release” – one can find countless analogies that draw a parallel with the world of fishermen that brings some fun to their dreary world as well as describe the challenges of leading a sales life. 

Landing a new customer isn’t easy. It is similar to tread onto the unchartered territory of the sea and landing a big catch. But more often than not, it is the ‘catch and release’-the bane of the existence of a salesperson’s life. 

What is the ‘catch and release’?

Catch and release

Recreational fishing or conservation of fish is often termed as a catch and release. Often when professional fishermen don’t find fish good enough to eat, too small or too big for use, they drop it back in the water body. However, it is as far as it could be from being a pastime. It leaves the fish severely stressed that it dies of shock. The hook is often ripped out of the fish’s throat, rendering severe damage to its guts and throat. The protective sheath of the fish’s body is also ruptured. You get the driftright? The entire cycle is disrupted. 

Similarly, a salesperson, after making all the efforts on the B2B leads might realise it not to be worth pursuing. But until then, time and efforts are consumed. You have spent your resources on pursuing a lead that isn’t ‘capable’ to give you any business. You just need to drop them back the moment you realise the futility of this exercise- without, of course, hurting them. Because don’t burn bridges, remember?

When a salesperson pursues an impractical lead (no lead/contact is useless, but not worth for a particular time or work you have been doing), the time, which should be spent on pursuing a quality lead, is wasted. However, your fellow salespeople who have been following it from day one, get to grab this opportunity by the horns. The catch and release is a ‘lose-lose’ for you because it is a catch-22 as well!


As a salesperson, you can’t just escape from a situation. Amidst the meetings and relentless pursuing, you realise that the person is not authorised to make a decision.  You can’t disappear. You need to have a proper exit strategy planned to bid your farewell in a manner that you could reach out next time if the need arises

If this is a recurring pattern with your salesperson, your data ecosystem needs to be blamed. Your salespeople are pursuing leads from the database that is chaotic and disorganised. The disparate database never leads to useful insights or business decision-making. Businesses are launching products that nobody needs or opening a store where they can’t find customers. Without the ability to read the room correctly, they are trying to address the elephant in the room. 

In the absence of organised, structured and quality data, businesses can’t find winning solutions. Data is pivotal. It might not be the big picture you are focusing on right now, but it is the palette, which decides how the big picture you are envisioning will look like. 

How do businesses get data?

Business Data

matrixData is precious. It is both the problem and answer for business. It is the necessary evil you can’t do without. A business, online or offline runs on data. Data is the flow of information. Everything that you interact with becomes data. Data is created when you take a cab, when you give your information at the cash counter for an exclusive discount, when you pay via debit or credit card at a mall, or post a picture of your outing on social media. Your information is stored in data storage centres securely. 

When you sign up for email marketing with a company, give your information on a landing page or subscribe to their newsletter, the data is routed to them. Besides, companies also hire data aggregator companies to buy data to reach out to more customers. 


How does data go bad?

By the time the data makes it to your business, it becomes hard to tell the pristine data from the corrupt. It has gone through several hands and processes, getting tampered and unoriginal by the minute. Then, there are click farms that route fraudulent and falsified data into the data ecosystem. Businesses fail to understand that having bad data the only thing worse than having no data at all! If a company is making its decisions based on bad data, it is all downhill from there. The lousy data paints an even uglier picture.

It is when data mining services make a grand entry into the picture. 

Gartner research shows that bad data costs businesses more than thirty per cent of the revenue apart from costing opportunities and reputation. For startups, bootstrapped businesses, supply networks and data analytics, losses from sparse data translate into terrible cash leaks, and bad decisions impacting all verticals. The data leaks increase with a company’s growth.  While negligible at first ($18,000 per month for pre-seed startups), the hidden cost go up to more than $900,000 for semi-startups.
If your salespeople are relying on old data, which is sourced illegitimately or via non-transparent methods, you can’t expect them to turn to bring quality B2B leads aboard. 
And the fact is while you can certainly don’t do anything about people and processes tampering your data, you can undoubtedly use data appending and scrubbing to ensure the timely sanitisation of data. 
In real-life, salespeople don’t work in a best-case scenario. The challenges are murkier like the deep sea they are fishing in. It is why they need to follow the right methodology and have rich knowledge of the domain they are entering into. Good salespeople aren’t about hard work. It is about smart work.  You don’t catch good leads; you fish for them with meticulous planning and right bait! 
For salespeople, the right bait begins with the identification of right lead, location and methodology. Based on this, they can cast their net or in simpler words, choose the best way to approach them. It could be email marketing, a phone call or an F-2-F meeting. 
Like a fisherman can’t cast in an empty water body, a salesperson can’t expect to do much with bad data. 
Data solutions such as data appending and data scrubbing cleanse the data inside-out. The data is filed, labelled, and maintained following your business’ need! 


What happens when the data is bad?

Bad daata

When your salespeople realise the impact of bad data, they waste their time correcting it. However, the silos within departments make it a continuous process, and it becomes imperative that the leaks are sealed. 

Marketing team bases its campaigns on an incorrect target segment, resulting in tarnished sender reputation, blacklisted email IP and spamming.

Sales People targets inferior quality leads. 

Product team thrives on poor technical insights, doesn’t understand the demand and expectations of the market and thereby, launching a product that the market could do without. 

The impact of not closing a sale or releasing the lead based on bad data isn’t pretty straightforward. It is a closed-loop.  Each department has to deal with the consequences of data leaks. If your salespeople are lingering in this dangerous sales zone of catch and release, it is time for your business to hire a data mining service provider now to eliminate the root cause of bad data making inroads into your business. 

The state of good data isn’t a destination. It is an ongoing journey that a business has to take proactively to stay ahead of the curve. As long as there are people and processes involved in either side of businesses, there is always a scope of the margin of error. So, if you are serious about quality B2B lead generation, you need to get serious about B2B data mining services as well. 

What are data mining services all about?

Data mining services

Data mining services ensure hygiene and cleansing of the data your business is thriving on. There are six phases of standard data mining process prevalent across the industries:

 ♦ Understanding of a business: It is significant to understand a business, its nature and objective to figure out the data it requires or retains. Sitting on a pile of data doesn’t help. It is the quality of the information that can transform your business. 

 ♦ Data Evaluation: More often than not, data is sourced through several channels. Customers deliberately provide incorrect information, or sometimes, there is a typo from a salesperson’s end. All in all, mistakes are bound to happen. A data mining company assesses the quality of data your business is relying on in accordance with your business’ need. 

♦ Data Scrubbing: The information is cleansed, sanitised and flagged with relevant labels such as incorrect, invalid, catch-all and so on. 

♦ Data Appending: The scrubbed data is updated with relevant information and insights so that your sales and marketing team can make the most of their efforts and not waste time pursuing lake trout! (The Wire, HBO).

♦ Checklist: Data cleansing is an ongoing process. However, data hygiene can’t be practised if the teams and process aren’t enthusiastic about it. This is why a data mining service company not only ensures that the loopholes are addressed but also creates several checkpoints to retain the data quality and optimise the inflow of the data as per the directives. 

♦ Training: Your team members get comprehensive training and are assigned to overlook the quality of data entering the system. Each checkpoint has a supervisor responsible for maintaining the filing of the data as per the established parameters. Since businesses are data-driven, communication between the teams is encouraged to flag any discrepancy before it is too late.

Why should you embrace data mining services NOW?

data mining services

According to George Labovitz and Yu Sang Chang’s 1-10-100 rule, it costs only $1 if businesses to adopt data appending or scrubbing proactively. Once the data has entered the system and mixed with the processes, it might cost them $10, and if they choose to do nothing, it may result in losses worth $100. 

This is why you would like to be on the right side of data and base your insights on standardised and verified information. Take the guesswork and noise out of generating B2B leads and cut the clutter with proven data mining techniques! Go fishing in the sea of the right audience! 

Friday, April 17, 2020

LinkedIn: The latest Social Media Super-hero to B2B Businesses

Your business is as effective as your marketing strategy. We live in an era where businesses that are able to showcase themselves are thriving. Monopoly and oligopoly are increasingly becoming extinct phenomena. Every business is under cut-throat competition and bracing is the only way out. Marketing strategies are evolving rapidly and constantly. Marketers come up with new terms and tools almost daily. Gone are the days where buyers contacted the sellers to seal the deals, now is the time of direct outreach with the help of lead generation and data mining. Customers are now treated as supremely as possible and sellers leave no stone unturned to incentivize the buyers in order to convert them.

Now the logical question that must be coming into your mind is: what social media has to do with marketing and lead generation? Well, social media is used by marketers as a prominent tool to generate leads, building brand awareness and direct outreach.

So maybe the purpose of different social media platforms is to connect the people across the globe, it has several other long term implications or usages as well; with lead generation being one of them. Nowadays, people are so “out there” i.e. people are using so many different social media platforms to express their views, ideas and agendas. This led marketers, identify the potential of social media platforms as an excellent tool for lead generation and information gathering.

When we talk about the B2B space where the customer band is already very refined and narrow, LinkedIn emerges out as a clear winner in the game of lead generation and social outreach. Thus, we can call Linked-in as the latest social media superhero to B2B Businesses.

Now, before we dwell further into HOWs and WHYs let’s get few things straight by looking into these stats:

Linkedin statistic for b2b marketer

  1. 97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for content marketing.
  2. According to a recent poll, 91% of marketers claim LinkedIn as one of the authentic sources to find quality content.
  3. Out of every 3 professionals in the world, one can be found on LinkedIn.
  4. 90% of LinkedIn users can also be found on Facebook.
  5. 92% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn for hiring and content marketing.
  6. 93% of B2B marketers consider LinkedIn to be the best place for finding quality leads.
  7. 65% of B2B companies have acquired a minimum of one lead from LinkedIn so far.
  8. LinkedIn generates more leads for B2B marketers than Facebook, Blogging and other social media platforms.
  9. LinkedIn is the most trusted among all the other platforms for lead generation for B2B companies.
  10. 89% of B2B marketers have included LinkedIn in their advertising and marketing matrix.

Now that’s called some number churning. Right?

So why is LinkedIn, the modest and strictly professional social media platform garnering so much attention from the B2B marketers?


LinkedIn is an Excellent tool for Content Sharing:

linkedin for content sharing

LinkedIn is a rising star when it comes to content sharing with its popularity only going uphill each day. LinkedIn has over 600 million users and yes we can say that it’s a huge audience. LinkedIn is used by professionals and this fact increases the credibility of the content shared on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is thus an excellent tool for content sharing. All large to small scale companies are now using LinkedIn as a medium of sharing content and attract prospects. 

LinkedIn is a complete Ecosphere for all types of industry professionals:

linkedin for industry professional

LinkedIn is used by all types of industries irrespective of their domains. We can, therefore, call LinkedIn a complete ecosphere where all types of industry professionals co-exist. Obviously, this makes LinkedIn an ideal platform to share ideas and go beyond the limitations of a particular industry-type. A lot of business professionals share their ideas on LinkedIn, making it a perfect place for a B2B marketer. B2B marketers are always hunting for like-minded people and prospects and LinkedIn makes this task easier and time-efficient.

LinkedIn is the best tool for lead generation:

sales navigator

With LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator lead generation task becomes fairly easy and smooth. It’s a premium feature offered by LinkedIn where you can find leads by applying various available filters such as industry type, job title etc. LinkedIn is the only social media platform that provides a feature like Sales navigator. B2B marketers find this feature too enticing to be missed out on. So, LinkedIn is quite popular at generating leads with the help of sales navigator.

LinkedIn provides relevant information about leads:

linkedin leads

LinkedIn provides relevant information about leads as it contains personal as well as professional information about them. Since LinkedIn is a professional social media platform, leads often showcase their skill sets, job experience and other information which could be crucial for any marketer. Therefore, LinkedIn is an excellent tool for information gathering and lead prospecting.

LinkedIn as a brand-building tool:

We are already in a market full of gold and the only to shine is to become a diamond. Brand building is quite difficult at this time as new companies are born every day, every hour or maybe every minute on a global front. LinkedIn can be used as a brand-building tool because of its wide outreach and professional attitude. LinkedIn restricts unnecessary advertisements and allows the company space to breathe in. Companies use LinkedIn to build a brand name for themselves. 

Now that we have answers to our WHYs let’s understand:

How does LinkedIn become Social Media Superhero to B2B Businesses?

linkedin superhero

LinkedIn offers Advanced Search and ad targeting functions: 

With LinkedIn’s advanced search and ad targeting functions, you can filter leads on the basis of job title, industry type, demographics among others. When you have a premium LinkedIn account, you get to enjoy many salient features offered by LinkedIn to facilitate and grow businesses online. B2B marketers use LinkedIn for a variety of purposes like lead prospecting, lead generation and content sharing.

LinkedIn lets you become part of various Groups:

LinkedIn has a compelling feature called groups. You can join relevant groups in order to remain posted about the latest trends and developments in your business. You might as well create your own group to position yourself in the market and generate leads. LinkedIn’s group feature is one of the most widely used by B2B marketers and the best part of this feature is that it is free!

LinkedIn even lets you save your searches!

LinkedIn lets you save your searches and go through it to gain useful insights. Whenever you use the advanced search feature, LinkedIn also allows you to save them for later. Now the B2B marketers will only have to create an advance search permutation once and then use it again as and when required. So the save searches option saves quite some time and energy of the B2B marketers. 

LinkedIn lets you publish Content:

LinkedIn allows you to publish content on their website. Many companies especially the B2B companies use LinkedIn as a content sharing platform. LinkedIn is responsible for driving traffic with the help of content posted on their website. So LinkedIn is used even by the fortune 500 companies as a medium to share content.

LinkedIn offers features like Inmail and Sales Navigator: So why is LinkedIn, the modest and strictly professional social media platform garnering so much attention from the B2B marketers?

A salient feature offered by LinkedIn is the Inmail. Inmail is a premium feature that lets you message people who are not in your contact list. With the help of Inmail, you can directly connect with your prospect without their accepting your invitation to connect. B2B marketers most often use this feature to connect with leads. Along with Inmail, LinkedIn also offers Sales Navigator which is an excellent tool to find and generate leads. Advanced search option is encapsulated in the Sales Navigator feature.


Thus, we can say that LinkedIn is undoubtedly the Superhero to B2B Businesses. LinkedIn provides many features and lets you connect with your targeted leads very easily.  The team of data experts at BizProspex collect B2B leads using online professional platforms such as LinkedIn, CrunchBase,  and numerous other trustworthy online platforms. This makes our list building service, skip tracing servicesdata appendingdata scrubbingweb scraping servicesemail appending, email data validationemail verificationemail address validationdata verificationaddress searchdata mining services much more effective for your purposes. B2B Lead generation is, therefore, a crucial task. We at BizProspex, let you find quality leads as we are well experienced and qualified for this mammoth of a task. B2B companies use LinkedIn for a myriad of purposes. We let them make a smooth transition when they are looking for generating leads through LinkedIn. To know more about us and what we do, you can contact us directly.